Sunday, September 6, 2009

"i hate u"

One can be a bad husband but a good father.

One can be a good son but a bad bad friend to others.

One can be good to the mother and not the father.

One can hate their parents but love their siblings.

One can be bad to them self but caring to the other people around them.

One can be a bad son but a good friend.

One can be a good girl friend to her lover but a bad girl friend to her friends.

*So why hate a person if one can be bad in a way but be good in another way?

**The real thing that we people should learn is that, we should just dislike a person's bad attitude and not the individual itself.

Laskar cinta, sebarkanlah benih benih cinta
Musnahkanlah virus virus benci
Virus yang bisa rosakkan jiwa
Dan busukkan hati

-above lyric is from the song Laskar Cinta by Dewa19.

See how HATE is a very dangerous virus?

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