Sunday, September 6, 2009

berhenti merokok

I had a conversation with my aunt just now and she was sharing a dialogue she had with her spouse.

Wife: U should stop smoking, u know its not good for your health.

Husband: Hm i eat a lot, lucky i am smoking. if not, i can go fat.

Wife: But its not good for ur health.

Husband: But if i stop smoking, i might fall sick.

Wife: If u are sick because of Allah, than it is ok kan.. Kan its from god.

The final dialogue was beautiful.


Sara Musfira said...

cool :)

Sarah H said...

super cool.
i hope im always reminded

ms. Mermaid said...

yeah... i think dats more good.. you unty is a good wife..

Sarah H said...

insyallah nak jadi mcm dia juga :D