Saturday, December 27, 2008

Betul atau salah

I love going to the mall.: True
I have more than one best friend.: True
I have over four hundred songs on my iTunes, Media Player, ect.: False
My favorite candy bar is a Snickers.: True
I have at least two pets.: False
Im vegetarian.: False
I have questioned my sexuality.: False
Ive cheated on a boy/girlfriend.: False
I like taking long surveys better than short ones.: False
I move around a lot.: False
Ive been in a fist fight: False
Ive worn someone else's socks.: True
My best friend and I borrow each other's clothes constantly.: False
I know how to skateboard.: False
I have my driver's license.: True
I live on the coast.: False
I love The Real World.: True
I listen to bands that nobody has ever heard of.: False
I have more than one Myspace.: False
I am subscribed to over fifty Xangas.: False
Ive been camping.: True
I know a kid named Austin.: False
I hate my middle name.: False
I loathe people who make a lot of spelling or punctuation errors.: False
I double letters a lot (Ex: No wayy!).: True
Ive had a crush on someone way older than me.: False
I wear leggings.: False
I dont go to church.: True
My best friend is of the opposite sex.: True
I went through a Backstreet Boys/N*SYNC stage.: True
I consider myself to be fat.: False
Im single.: True
Im a comment whore.: Ha?
My parents let me cuss.: False
I watch a lot of movies.: True
I never got into the whole skinny jeans and flats trend.: False
I read Seventeen like its my Bible.: False
I love Gwen Stefani.: False
I dont think Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp are all that good looking.: False
I like bolding surveys better than ones you have to fill out.: True
I use a number higher than four on my top friends.: True
I recently bought a new CD.: False
I have an Xanga for surveys.: False
I have an Xanga for pretty much everything.: False
I change my layout like I change underwear.: False
I have a friend whos gay.: False
I get along better with my dad than my mom.: False
I live with someone else other than my parents.: False
I have seen Stephan King�s �IT�.: False.
I believe in pro-life.: Ha?
I know someone with AIDS or HIV.: False.
I live in the suburbs.: False
I want to get a tattoo.: False
I can name all of the Rugrats.: False
I have naturally curly hair.: False
I can speak more than one language.: True
I love dancing.: True
I think I have a disorder.: False
Ive taken medicine for depression.: False
Goth and emo people scare me.: True
I love Christmas time.: True
I know how to rollerskate/blade.: True
I know a girl named Emily.: FalseI
was in Girl/Boy Scouts.: True
I love to take pictures/be in pictures.: True
I know what I want to name my kids.: True
Ive been in love.: True
I sleep with more than one pillow.: True
I consider myself preppy.: Ha
I love pink.: False
I have over fifty CDs.: False
I always wear eyeliner.: False
I pluck my eyebrows.: False
Ive been out of the country.: True
I know all of my heritage.: -
I usually always wear thongs.: Fals
eI have a B in my name.: False
I know a lot about cars.: False
I download music without paying for it.: Tru
eI dont have a cellphone.: False
I have my own car.: False
I still use CD players.: True
I actually have a favorite shape.: False
I know what college I want to go to.: TrueI
have a boyfriend, but I also have a huge crush on someone else.: False
I wear glasses.: True
I love Converse.: True
Im afraid of heights.: True
Im very outgoing.: False
Ive been called random.: -
I discovered a good band recently.: True
I need to take a shower/bath.: True. Haha
Im listening to music right now.: False
I still have dial-up.: True
I get nervous around the opposite sex.: True
My favorite class is either math or science.: True
Ive had a boyfriend/crush named Sean.: False
Im glad this is over, it was boring and retarded.: True, HAHAHAHAHAHA

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