Contoh orang kita:
" Jangan main benda tu NANTI bersepah NANTI boleh pecah NANTI ayah kena ganti beli baru."
Some people just say too much ' Jangan' and worry on things that may AND may not happen. That is, worry for things that they are unsure of.
Mother: "Why worry things that is not happening yet? 90% that you worry doesn't happen." Thanks mother. Ini saya cuba pegang.
My arwah Embah (grandma) would personally advice people who says things such as " Jangan lari nanti jatuh. Jangan main nanti pecah.." etc. She would advice " Cakap la elok2. Kata-kata tu kan doa."
My arwah Embah is right. I have witnessed situations where an adult said to a child " Jangan lompat-lompat nanti jatuh kepala luka." An hour later, the same child knocked his forehead on a table and got 7 stitches from the doctor.
With words, we should think and arrange it properly.
Contoh kita boleh adjust ayat-ayat yang seperti diatas;
"Jangan lari nanti jatuh." --> " Jalan"
" Jangan main nanti rosak" --> " Main elok-elok."
"Jangan pandu kereta laju2 nanti boleh kemalangan" --> " Pandu hati-hati."
"Jangan cakap kuat-kuat nanti orang marah." --> " Cakap perlahan-perlahan."
Think about the consequences later.
* Kata-kata itu doa ya. Kata-kata ibu cepat dimakbulkan tuhan. So mothers, please be careful with your words :)
In other words, dont let 'worry' stop us from doing things. If it happens, it happens. We will cross the bridge when it comes. Worrying do takes up a lot of a person's time.
Lets try not to waste time by worrying things that we are unsure of.
"Buat apa-apa ingat tuhan kata apa"- fynn.
u are right gurls... nicely read your entry n make me realize dat its very true.. newdays many people never realize n talk want he/she want to talk.. n now i can learn to think b4 saying anything.. hihihihi...
;) <3 sara..
thank you .. :)
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