I've been thinking about sayings,quotes and wisdom words A LOT lately!
1. Its hard for people to be honest to someone if that person can't accept honesty.
This is FACT!
A guy tells the truth to a girl. About his whereabouts. Who is meeting up with. Be it meeting up with guy or girl friends.
Girl gets upset knowing boyfriend also meet up with his gal friends. Starts blaming, arguing, feeling sad, etc. In short, girl friend jadi GEDIK!
There are cases like the above, makes the boy friend feel like his girl friend cant seem to accept his honesty. Due to that, boy friend starts to NOT tell the truth to girl friend to not make her upset.
*Think about it. It is true. People who cant accept honesty may not stand people being honest to them.
*Lets try and be rationale. Feelings are individual. A person can say anything and it is up to us how to take it.
Bukti feelings are individual:
Saya rasa Julia Roberts lawa.
Ada yang rasa tidak.
Maka, feelings are individual. Its up to a person on how they WANT to see a picture.
2. Satisfaction will come when we do things to please ourselves. Elak jadi bodoh jom.
Sampai mati ke nak puaskan hati orang? Kalau nak puaskan hati orang kerana Allah tak apa. Tak salah. Aku tak halang pon. Memang lagi bagus pun.
Tapi, nak gembirakan/ puaskan hati boyfriend sedangkan diri sendiri tak gembira? - This is a no-no situation.
When u are in a relationship, u need to set your limit. U need to know and tell your self how much you are willing to give and how much you are willing to get hurt when u are in a complicated relationship. U should not, SHOULD NOT work hard like shit if you are only trying to satisfy a person and make them happy while you suffer like hell. Friendships should be a 2 way thingy. So is a relationship.
Always always ALWAYS love yourself first and people will love you for it. People will love the way you are happy. Will admire you for taking a good care of yourself.
*Things are basic. Love ourself more and people will love us for it. We dont have to change to satisfy a person. We change to satisfy ourself and we will not be disappointed.
3. Feelings are individual & when it gets too individual, u just don't feel like opening up too much.
This, is a VERY complicated feeling. For me at least. Trying to be rationale in most things are not easy. I'm still learning. You see, when I tell myself not to blame the other party due to my up-set-ness, I feel more more and less dependent on the person. I began to believe that I'm more in love with myself than the other person. In a way it IS good to be in love with yourself more. Somehow, it is scary to be feeling the gap accuring between me and the other party. This gap feeling is there because I'm less dependent on that person.
Oh well, i'll just go with the flow. Apa-apa pun, I still love you friends and loved ones =) Loving myself more does not mean i dont love the other people around me.
4. Mother: kalau untuk kebaikan kita, peduli orang kata.
This one said by mother- i LIKE.
Mother: Biar la orang kata kita tak lepak ke. Rumah kita kecil ke. Kita pilih kasih ke. Kita kedekut ke. Kalau kita tak buat benda salah, peduli orang kata. Mereka kata yang tidak sama dgn situasi kita sedang hadapi cuma kerana mereka tidak tahu. Sabarkan. Layankan saja. On the other hand, always try to improve. True friends will understand. They will.